Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tie Showdown: Week 6

For this week, we've trying something new with the showdown. Roll over a photo to see the participant's name, click on it for a larger view. As with the past few weeks, vote for as many participants as you see fit. Good luck, and may the best tie win.

And give us some feedback on the new format, jeez do we have to tell you everything!


Unknown said...

Why is voting broken - I think Adam rigged it and only allowed the thing to let his vote for himself in there.



Wynde Dyer said...

I like less slide show and more the old way.

Wynde Dyer said...

p.s. Vote for me! Photos don't begin do justice to the ridiculousness of my gold metal tie!

KjO said...

I like being able to see all the ties at once. The scrolling takes to long to get through each one and makes it too hard to compare one tie against another.