Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Week 4: And the winner is...

Congratulations to Jonah for winning the fourth week of the Tie Showdown despite lacking the ability speak or walk. The editors here at the Tie Showdown find this to be quite the accomplishment. To quote: "He may not be able to walk yet, but Jonah totally ran away with this week's votes."

Truly there was no competition. Jonah managed to use his magical baby abilities to completely out-cute his fellow competitors en route to reaching a previously unfathomable 100 votes (79% of total votes cast). In 2nd? Maria's awesome post-it note tie had 13 votes. Yep: 87 fewer than Jonah. Really, though, there's no surprise. Just look at him. His tie is stitched on and his shirt has his name on it. I'll admit it: I voted for him. Twice.

When asked for comment, Jonah quipped "GOO GOO GAA GAA."

Well said, little champion. You are truly a master of your craft. We don't know how you did it, but we're convinced that you are made of magic.

Editors' note: New rule!... No more babies. It's just not fair. Add pets to that list as well. We can't afford another cuteness overload.

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