Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tie Showdown: Week 9

From top to bottom, left to right:
Wynde : Jim : Megan : Renee : Ben : Stacy : Cat : Chris : Eric : Jeremy : Adam : Alisa

IMPORTANT NEWS: In honor of Halloween, the Tie Showdown will be sponsoring a special Scary Tie Showdown the Wednesday before Halloween. To be clear, this is not a costume contest, but a tie contest. Talk to Adam or Ben if you don't understand the difference (Wynde, I'm looking at you).


Lauren Denneson said...

I have to argue that the paper "ties" shouldn't qualify as tie showdown material - they do not even tie around the neck, but are affixed with tape! They should instead be called "tapes," don't you think?

Unknown said...

I second Lauren's comment and would add that scarves also be included in the "this crap does not count" category.

Unknown said...

Dear Wynde,

Incredible. Simply incredible.


Wynde Dyer said...


Thank you. You and your three-piece suit(which, if you'll recall, kicked my gold tie's ass a few weeks ago) were the inspiration.

Sincerely, Wynde