Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 9: And the winner is...

Congratulations to Wynde for winning the ninth week of the Tie Showdown! Wynde has been a regular here on the Tie Showdown these past few weeks, breaking out a couple of wonderful ties, coming up just short each time. Undaunted, Wynde apparently got in touch with her spirit animal (or animals...) and/or drew inspiration from a bowl of Frosted Flakes (what can I say? they are grrrrrreat.) and showed up this week decked out, head-to-toe in big cat print, taking down 48% of the vote like a wounded gazelle.

Poor Ben, he came so close this week, but it was not to be.

No animals were harmed in the making of this week's Tie Showdown. But plenty of egos (mine) were.

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