Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tie Showdown: Week One!

From left to right, starting at the top.

Robin : Chris : Joni : Maria : Lane : Jim : Heather : Dave : Cat : Ben : Adam

* Due to some late entries, voting for week 1 has been reset.


andrew ross long said...

Adam displays fine taste with a masculine bold-stripe pattern, but I couldn't vote for him because I was distracted by Lynn's unique knots and vibrant colors.

In the final analysis, though, it came down to Maria's exceptional accessorizing -- the gold scarab-beetle tie-pin qualifies her as a true fashionista, and my pick for winner of this TIE SHOW-DOWN.

Congratulations to all the runners-up who created such a sumptuous visual feast!

adam said...

something fishy is going on, heather and cat...

The Saint Jeff Peden Memorial Death Fest said...

I agree with Adam. I think we may need to do a little post-showdown drug testing.

Unknown said...

I was compelled to vote for Robin because her "tie shirt" clearly shows her briliance in creativity, and that pose! too cool. However, I decided to remain true to my previously negotiated alliances :)